Food Not Bombs is a global grassroots movement aiming to defend and reclaim community, sovereignty and food justice from the jaws of poverty and war.
Food Not Bombs collects surplus food that would elsewise go to waste from farmers, gardeners, grocers, bulk stores, bakers and kind folk cleaning out their pantries.
We also garden, we glean, we wildcraft and we work to connect people with skills and opportunities needed to take direct action to empower greater food security.
Food Not Bombs cooks together every week using the food that we have gathered.
We share the knowledge, skills and curiosity we each have with one another in the kitchen.
It’s a collaborative food art jam-and everyone’s invited. We prepare healthy, locally sourced,
Food Not Bombs shares FREE FOOD with anyone who is hungry in accessible, public spaces.
We offer a large free community feast all year long on Monday nights.
On Wednesday evenings from late May to late November, FNB also hosts a weekly community potluck where we prepare food grown in our garden and others bring food to share as well .
FNB also prepares free food to offer at community celebrations, demonstrations and upon request for free food for social justice events.